
Join Us by Becoming a Member

Love Stamford as much as we do? Join us in our adventure in growing a community of interested and involved Stamfordites and keep you up to date on the cool things happening in Stamford. Your generous support enhances our work so we can help deepen your connection to Stamford while investing in the future of our city.

We have two types of membership, one is for businesses that want to support us in ways that associate their brand with Discover Stamford’s strong brand to visitors and people kicking the tires of Stamford. We’ve created unique multi-touch strategies grounded in understanding that a businesses’ brands, goals, and objectives, also involve people who come from outside of Stamford.

Our other membership is for individuals that you care about Stamford and helps us carry on so you can be informed about all the cool things about Stamford.

Fun perks include:

  • Supporting community-centric projects, like our walking tours.
  • Discounted tickets to all of our exclusive events.
  • Exclusive access to special giveaways and content, like the chance to win tickets to interesting explorations, movie discussions, or play trivia for prizes
  • Special welcome swag to proudly showcase your support for Stamford